Saturday, April 21, 2012

Plainfield East High School Boy's Volleyball to Support Rebecca Scott in her Marathon for Melanoma

PEHS Boys Volleyball Shirt - Final Design Pending
Training Days: 26
Miles Run: 54.5
Pounds Lost: 1 (Seriously... WTH)
Death Threats During Training: 1
Best GU: Clif 'Mocha'
Best Gatorade: Lemon-Lime
$$$ Raised: $625
# Donors: 15

Plainfield East High School Boy's Volleyball to support both Marathon for Melanoma & Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

I am incredibly excited to announce that the boy's volleyball team at Plainfield East High School will be supporting my cancer fundraiser. They will host a cancer awareness night at their home game versus Romeoville on Thursday, May 10th 2012. I will be working hand-in-hand with my friend April Marlatt, who is raising money for the Avon Foundation for Women. 100% of proceeds will be split between our two charities. The sophomore game starts at 5:30 PM with varsity to follow. The boys will wear a uniform tee shirt we design. We will take pre-orders from anyone & everyone else as soon as our design is finalized. Tee shirts sold to the public will NOT include uniform numbers as shown. A limited number of tee shirts will also be available at the game itself. We hope to keep the cost to $10 per shirt. Feel free to contact me directly about ordering this unique breast cancer/melanoma awareness tee:

More about our tee shirt: black is the color for melanoma awareness, and pink represents breast cancer awareness. This is why we designed our shirts to be hot pink on black with both pink & black awareness ribbons. Additions to the design will likely include the mascots for both PEHS & RHS. Other fun activities at the game include a 50/50 raffle, freezer pop sale, lavender cancer awareness silicone bracelet sale, & a donation jar. I will announce the game & including facts about both breast cancer and melanoma. There will be something for everyone! Of course, it is always fun to support our teams as well as see the student body get excited about participating in charity work.

Training Update

Rebecca & Tommy @ Covered Bridge on Trail 4 at Turkey Run State Park
Well, well, well, it's been a great 2 weeks. I have been running, reading, & trying to figure out the source of all my aches & pains. I know I'm 38 but then again I have NEVER been so sore after working out. NEVER!!! The first time I noticed what I thought might be a real problem was over Easter Weekend when I went hiking at Turkey Run State Park with my dear son, Tommy. WOW! We had a blast & I can honestly say that this is the best hiking experience I've had in this area. We literally got to a point on our trail where we had to crawl up a field of boulders. Rugged! However, my knees hurt quite a bit all day & again, though it probably does not seem surprising to you, it was to me. I have been a runner forever, (see picture on 'So You Want to...' from 1988) so I was a bit concerned. After doing some research & speaking with my friend April Marlatt (who happens to be a certified Athletic Trainer & my fundraising partner) I probably have 'Runner's Knee'. I followed the suggestion of running with patellar tendon straps. These did the trick, but shortly after that I developed the beginnings of what I believe could be shin splints. I added OTC orthotics, & this helped as well. Still I was puzzled at all these issues because as I am completing my runs I feel great. My longest so far was 9 miles, & I honestly could have kept going. I did some more research & found a book that recommended running at a very slow pace, even at longer distances for the first few months of training. Also, apparently, I will lose more fat this way. Bingo!!! I found my solution. I do not want to give up the long runs, but I have no problem purposely slowing down my pace, especially if I am going to be burning fat in the meantime. Done! So the picture below shows my hot patellar straps & hopefully proof that I really do believe in running in short shorts. However, I'm not sure that men should be running in short shorts. I've already seen this fashion choice a few times & frankly it scares me. I have a feeling I need to get used to it because I guess this is the uniform for serious runners??? Even men???

Other fun notes: I tried to run with the Naperville Running Club. Um no... they were very very very nice people, but left me in the dust after about a mile. I believe I heard some talk of running 50Ks & several ultramarathons. I was in over my head that night. I am still planning to join them for the Chicago Marathon training program starting in June. & the gang there reassured me that there will be others joining the program at that time that will be at my level. Meanwhile, I am going to try a group (recommended by Lisa Simon) called Luna Chix. They also meet at Naperville Running Company, but on Monday's at 6:30 PM. Lisa reassured me that this group will NOT leave me in the dust.

On to the death threat: It occurred last Saturday as I was finishing up my 9 mile run at Springbrook Prairie. I was crossing Book Road at the 83rd Street light. Two cars of teenagers were on either side of the street. One car flashed their brights on me. The other heckled me with, 'Run Forest Run!' Wow. Creative. I said, 'What does it look like I'm doing?' Just to play with them a bit. The response was, 'Man, I really wanted to run her over!' What? That is not normal. Wow. Just because I am the same age as your mom but look better than you in short shorts... So, I guess I'll keep a tally of how many times people pretend or threaten to run over me. My friend Kathy Naslund said that it has happened to her once as well. The kids actually swerved to pretend to hit her. What is going on???

Going forward I will complete more of the same type of training runs over the next few weeks. I am hoping for better weather because I have two more pairs of short shorts to break in. Tonight I will cross train. Sunday I will complete a 10 mile run at SBP.


Fundraising Update 

2011 Jack's Team racing singlet
Quite a lot has been going in since my last post in regards to fundraising. I set up a table at the Millington United Methodist Church last Saturday & was able to earn $50 for Jack's Team in a few short hours. Thank you to my father, Kirk Scott, who is the pastor at this church & allowed me to jump in on their event at the last second. It was a touching & humbling experience for me to speak with church members about how cancer touched their lives.

Thank you to Teresa O'Brien at Jack's Team. The 2012 racing singlets have not been ordered yet, and so I asked her to send me one from last year. I thought it would help with my fundraising efforts and so far wearing it has been a great conversation starter.

Thank you to the following donors since my last blog entry:

Beth Bridwell - a great friend of my family since my days growing up in Texas
Peggy Beckman - Iota Sorority Sister (Delta Gamma forever - ITB)
Cathy Hirschauer - colleague at PEHS & always a wonderful source of moral support
Lisa Simon - colleague & accomplished Ironman & marathon runner
Brittney Smith - colleague & partner at the upcoming Chicago Rock and Roll Half
Jim & Marilyn Sirovatka - Katy's parents; two of the most fun, kindest, smartest people ever
John Zigmond - Mentor from Benedictine University's Alternate Teacher Certification Pgm
Anonymous - A dear friend that read my blog & said it inspired her; what a compliment!!!

Cancer Sucks!

Related Links

1) Rebecca's Fundraising Page:

2) Millington United Methodist Church:
3) Plainfield East High School Boy's Volleyball:
4) Turkey Run State Park: 

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