Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 2 - Mt Rushmore & Deadwood

My gps & internet stopped working mid-morning (somewhere on 90) so posting pics will have to wait & further updates may be spotty. After surviving the storm of the century in southern MN last night we drove most of the day thru SD. We checked out a DVD box set @ a rest area & discovered that not only is SD beautiful but also interesting. Laura Ingalls Wilder, Deadwood, Badands, Rushmore, etc. So many times we were tempted to pull over & explore but we kept our ultimate Rushmore destination in mind & pushed forward arriving @ about 5. We were not disappointed. Overall the experience was amazing culminating with a lighting ceremony in the evening honoring our troops that brought me to tears. Having served in Vietnam my father was included in 'Retiring the Colors' in the ampitheater @ dusk. The presidents were lit overhead as birds circled catching their evening meal. The crowd of several thousand were silent out of respect for the people on stage there that made sacrifices I can barely wrap my mind around. As for the sculpture itself... I couldn't take my eyes off it. We were able to get only 400 yards away .from the dead presidents. Awesome. I thought I would be amazed by The size but instead I was struck by the quality of th art. I've seen Venus,  David, & Thinker in person & this is in the same class. Meanwhile Tommy earned his Jr Ranger patch & I can report the coffee here is excellent. Dinner on the terrace with a view.of.the sculpture is highly reccomended. At the end of the evenings activities we found ourselves on a rural road heading North in a mountain valley. My gps did not work here of course. Luckily a Rushmore Ranger gave us a silly paper map that suddenly became gold. The moon & stars were bright & the mist rising in the valley added just the right touch. Tho when we started careening down the steep grade @ 60 mph (thanks Dad) I started to wonder again if Mother Nature was going to prove that she is still in charge. Happily... after about an hour the casino lights of Deadwood lit up the sky & we settled in @ our home foe the next 2 nights. As a preview for day 3 I can tell you there is nothing like enjoying breakfast with your 8 year old son at a bar in a casino in view of the slot machines. Ha. No I'm not irresponsible. That is just how it is here. A smallish version of Atlantic City. Today is a bit of a question mark bc we decided to scrap the Wind Cave early this morning. Sleeping in good. Devils Tower @ sunset for sure. We just signaled th aliens to.pick us up. Ha.   Ttyl8r.  :)   Thanks foe reading.

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