Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 4 - Little Bighorn Battlefield, Wyoming, & Montana

I already wrote a pretty lengthy blog for today that was lost bc of internet connectivity issues. Boo! I am too exhausted to recreate it now. I'll simply say that we had another incredible day. This picture was taken @ Little Bighorn & is my effort to show how beautiful the Montana sky is. Yellowstone & an attempt to fix the blog tomorrow.



The drive across South Dakota & Wyoming was fantastic. I enjoyed looking @ the beautiful blue skies, rolling prairie, grazing livestock, & occasional pronghorn. I didn't feel the need to sleep, read, or play with my phone @ all.

Shortly after entering Montana was an unexpected surprise, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. Custer's last stand took place on a hilltop where we watched blue skies alternate with thunderstorms all around us. Yellow prairie flowers & swarms of small yellow butterflies danced in the breeze. We took all of this in is we recognized the National Military cemetery where veterns of many historic & modern wars are buried. Next we saw a giant monument marking a mass grave of 220 non-officer soldiers. This was done because the soldiers that fell here were originally buried in shallow graves that were disturbed by local wildlife. Eventually the Native Americans moved their people, & the officers including Custer were moved to a better final resting place. The calvary horses (which were shot by the Americans to serve as breastworks) & regular soldiers still rest in mass graves on sight.

I liked the way this Monument honors both sides of this battle. The park is located in the Crow Tribe Reservation & in fact both of.the Park Rangers we spoke with were Crow. Although war is sad & particularly this one.  The scenery is beautiful. Also, I think it .is valuable to honor the dead by not forgetting the events that took place here.

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