Monday, April 2, 2012

2 Days, 11 Miles, 1 Blister, & A Mini-Cooler of Gatorade

Marathon Training Day 7 - 7 Mile Run
Today, as you can see, I successfully completed my first long-distance run, 7 miles. For now I am using the marathon training program suggested by Dawn Dais in her book. In June I will join the Chicago Marathon training group at Naperville Running Company, at which time I will switch to the Nike Intermediate Program. On July 22nd, I will run the Chicago Rock n Roll Half.

I was thrilled to actually need some of my new gear including the infamous Fuel Belt & the 'Mountain Rush' e.Gel. For those that don't know e.Gel or GU is 'nutrition' for long distance runs. It is typically recommended that runners 'eat' the GU after about 45 minutes to an hour & at similar intervals until the end of their run. The purpose is to avoid burning out or even crashing. Before this week, I had no idea that marathon runners 'ate' during their race, but more on GU later. The Fuel Belt is a glorified fanny pack. I remember when I saw Katy put on her Fuel Belt the first time. I imagine that she was training for a race, maybe even the Iron Man, at that time when she was visiting my sister Karen. Frankly I was shocked when I saw it. Later that week I privately asked Karen, 'Does Katy know that people can see that she is wearing a FANNY PACK!!!' What does it do for her? What does she put in those six little bottles? Why is it necessary? & why in the world would one run so far as to require a belt completely surrounded by water bottles? WHY??? Gosh I was ignorant. But Katy, as usual, was a positive influence on me by her example. Now, here I am, strapping on my own fanny pack. My Fuel Belt even includes a cute little insulated zippered pouch with a reflective branded patch. The pouch is for GU, jelly beans, or other nutrition. I would have posted pictures of myself wearing the fanny pack, but unfortunately, no one was around to take one. Yes I am certain, no one was available. *wink* Next, I strap on my GPS, shoes, blister-free socks, & I'm off.

I decide that instead of taking 6-ish loops around Wetlands Park that I will instead take Waubonsie Creek Trail for 3.5 miles in one direction & then turn around. I head south & eventually this trails leads to an area that I know well from my  'Skill and Body' days at Waubonsie Valley High School. Are you with me Kristin Morris?!? Lisa Brown?!? Sully Dirilten?!? I loved Fridays when our physical education assignment was to run around the pond behind the high school. Wow... & here I am doing it again 10 years later. ;) At about mile 4 I think that I am never going to make it without a bathroom break, & I start looking forward to taking this break at the park facilities just over the dam.

Unfortunately,  I discover that these restroom facilities are locked & the water fountains are not turned on. Okay. Desperately needing to use the facilities while being desperately thirsty... it's an odd experience. Since I'm stopped anyway, I decide that now is the time to try my e.Gel. I am listening to my ipod & therefore can't hear anything except Debbie Gibson singing 'Only in My Dreams'. However, I am pretty sure I made some sort of choking noise to indicate my shock because an entire family turned around & stared at me. Oops. Once I get over the fact that something that looks like Herbal Essences tastes like concentrated Mountain Dew... I like it... a lot. 'Mountain Rush' e.Gel could be MY flavor, but I would like to try 'Tropical Blast' before I commit.

At about mile 5, my small intestines start to burn. Lesson-learned: Do NOT ever again put Tapitio hot sauce on scrambled eggs the morning before a long run.

At about mile 5.5, I start to consider what it might be like to wet my pants in public. Would people notice? Would they laugh? Or, would they politely look the other way? I suddenly become grateful that I was wearing running shorts OVER my sweat pants... just in case.

At about mile 6, I decide, that there is NO WAY that I am going to pee my pants in front of my neighbors & everyone else at Wetland Park. However, this is going to require that I head home in a straight line at a dead sprint. Can I sprint a mile after running 6? Yes I can!

Marathon Training Day 8 - 4 Mile Run
Today, before my run, I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some bulk Gatorade powder for my Fuel Belt. They have Fruit Punch flavor, Glacier something-or-other (It's blue?), and Orange. Ew. What do you know; they are out of Lemon-Lime. Okay, that's cool. I will go to the fancy-ish neighborhood grocery store, Jewel, instead. (Come on... you know there is NO WAY that Whole Foods is going to have bulk Gatorade powder.) I get to the drink mix aisle, and yes, they do have Gatorade powder in Lemon-Lime, but the negative is that it is in a teeny tiny container. The positive is that this container is shaped like a mini-cooler. This thick plastic container is as environmentally unfriendly as possible. I don't care, because it is sooooo cute. Next, I think, 'What the heck, maybe I can pick up some extra 'Mountain Rush' packets.' I go to the health food aisle where Jewel has stocked, & I am not kidding, 50 types of protein shakes & mixes & 3000 types of protein bars. Therefore, I didn't think it was that ridiculous to think that they might have GU. The Sales Lady did though. When I explained to her that GU is nutrition for long-distance runs such as marathons, she looked at me like I had just asked for de-lousing shampoo or jock itch cream. Nevermind. I'll just purchase this cute little pretend cooler of Gatorade... BYE!

I gear up again, but this time, since it is sunny & in the 60's I wear my short shorts. It feels so liberating, like that first day in February when me & the other formerly southern girls break out our flip flops. Wishful thinking I know, but it works out. I decide to start in the opposite direction on Waubonsie Creek Trail in hopes that maybe I will find working restroom facilities. At about mile 2, it's time. I try the door to the facilities, & it comes as no surprise to me that the door is locked and the water fountains are not turned on. Thankfully, Aurora Firehouse #8 is in sight. I would like to give them a shout out for allowing me to use their restrooms. Holler! From here, the remainder of my run goes smoothly. After a second day of running with a bunch of gear on, I decide that I like the street cred I get when running wearing a technical shirt, GPS, & Fuel Belt. It's the same kind of respect I get from other runners when we happen upon each other on a trail at 4:30 in the morning. At that time of day, you know I mean business, & I know the same about you. It's a strange camaraderie, & I like it.

Epilogue Notes
1) I should probably also scratch 'Giant Bowl of Oatmeal' off my list of potential breakfasts before a long run.
2) I thought that breaking the Brooks in slowly would be a good idea, so I wore my old Asics today. I now have a blister on the second toe of my right foot. Asics... you are dead to me. I guess blister-free socks can only do so much.

Special Thanks
I would to thank the people that supported me with a donation to my fundraiser for Jack's Team in Honor of Katy Sirovatka since my last post. I will thank you personally. However, for now, know that your kindness, thoughtfulness, & support are greatly appreciated.

1) April Marlatt - my partner in teaching seventh hour Environmental Science
2) Liz Mays - my colleague & one of my unofficial mentors my first year teaching
3) Jennifer (Golk) Guyton - mine & Katy's classmate at WVHS  :)
4) Kim MacArthur-Self - my favorite Genetic Engineer
5) Patty Page - we went to graduate school together at Benedictine University  :)
6) Sue Zarbok - aka 'The Zarbokinator' - my partner in teaching fifth hour Environmental Science
7) Mike Dwyer - Mr. D was my AP English teacher. You deserve some credit for teaching me how to write & showing me how to teach (by doing) my own AP class (AP Environmental Science).

I love all of you!

Related Links:

1) My Chicago Marathon Charity Fundraising page for Katy:

2) Naperville Running Company:

3) Chiacgo Marathon Run for Charity Program:

4) Chicago Rock n Roll Half Marathon:

5) Aurora Fire Station #8:


  1. You ROCK, I LOVE your posts, and you are SO welcome for the support. I am so impressed you are doing this! Oh, and by the way, what are blister free socks? Don and I are taking the kids to the Grand Canyon and we got a permit to hike to the bottom and back out (the kids really want to do it, never mind that it will be JULY, and 20 degrees HOTTER at the bottom than the top.....) so my crazy husband and I have agreed, I think I need to do some of your training to prepare (maybe with more stairs thrown in!)....

    1. Kim, Wow! You usually have to buy the blister-free socks at a specialty running store. The brand I have is called 'feetures'. My friend April, who is doing the Avon walk for breast cancer, bought some online.

      I am so excited for you. I went to the Grand Canyon last summer & was inspired to hike to the bottom some day. Will you be staying at Ghost Ranch? You should start a blog about if you can. However, I imagine that you will have limited internet access at the bottom of the canyon. Though I CAN verify that the wifi at the hotel on the North rim is good if not excellent.

      Thank you for your support. :)
